Catalog for Using dance hair

This magical product has versatile applications in both salons and homes. To use it professionally in a

salon, follow the steps below carefully.

**1. Can this product be used for treating damaged hair in a salon? Can it replace keratin treatment?**

Yes, this product can be used as a hair treatment for damaged hair, and if applied consecutively for

three weeks, once a week, it can have a similar therapeutic effect to keratin. However, it’s important to

note that the treatability of an individual’s hair and the severity of the damage can vary.


1. Start by shampooing the customer’s hair and gently towel-drying it until it’s not dripping wet,

ensuring the hair is not completely dry. Using a brush and comb, apply the product to each section of

hair, massaging and combing it through, repeatedly applying the product to ensure complete saturation

of the hair. Simultaneously, an assistant should use a warm water spray gun in the targeted area. The

warm water vapor aids in better absorption of the product, and without gloves, you should massage a

specific section of hair between your fingers until it feels completely soft.

2. Once this step is complete, roll the hair onto the head and instruct the customer to sit under a steam

machine for 12 minutes. The steam aids in the better absorption of the product.

3. Afterward, rinse the customer’s hair with lukewarm water to remove 50% of the product. Do not rinse

the product completely.

4. Dry the hair with a towel and use a hairdryer to ensure it’s 20% dry. Apply Argan oil to the hair’s

surface, fully saturating it, and lightly use the hairdryer once more.

5. Section the hair and perform flat ironing. The number of times you flat iron and the level of heat

applied depends on the hair’s resilience and health, which the stylist determines.

We know that flat ironing maximizes the absorption of the product. Note: Immediately after coloring the

hair, do not use a vitamin treatment, as the heat from the flat iron can cause the color, especially cool

and light colors, to fade.

**2. Can this product be used for coloring hair?**

Yes. We understand that coloring hair can lead to dryness and damage, but using this product can help

prevent these issues.

If you have any further questions or need clarification, feel free to ask.

To color the hair, first mix the hair dye and the oxidizer thoroughly, and then add a tablespoon of this

product to it. After finishing the job, when rinsing the customer’s hair, apply Denc Hair thoroughly to the

wet hair, and massage each hair section between your fingers to ensure complete absorption. After

waiting for 10 minutes, rinse the hair, and now, colored hair is shiny and soft due to simultaneous

treatment, and the color durability remains very high, and all hair will have uniform color absorption.

**3- Can this product be used in decolorization as well?**

Yes. First, combine the powder and the oxidizer, and add a teaspoon of this product to them. Its

function is almost similar to Olaplex, slowing down the chemical process of decolorization, giving the

user enough time to apply the materials carefully to all hair sections without being rushed in the

previous sections. In highlighting, we also add a tablespoon of this product to ensure uniform color

absorption and long-lasting color.

**4- Can this product be used in shading as well?**

Yes. We dissolve a tablespoon of this product in a glass of water and spray it on the customer’s hair,

which leads to hair dryness and fluffiness and maximizes manageability.

**5- Can this product be used in rebonding?**

Yes. After washing off the second phase of rebonding, we apply Denc Hair to wet hair, massaging it

thoroughly with our fingers to ensure its softness. After 10 minutes, rinse the hair, then proceed with

brushing and final straightening. In this case, it prevents hair from becoming dry in the short term (due

to the treatment’s strength) and results in excellent shine.

**6- Can this product be used in keratin treatment?**

Yes. After straightening and rinsing the keratin materials, we apply Denc Hair to wet hair, massaging it

thoroughly with our fingers to ensure its softness. After waiting for 10 minutes, rinse the hair, followed

by brushing and… (In fact, it can be a powerful replacement for the third phase of keratin).


If we provide these services (hair coloring, decolorization, keratin, rebonding), we should recommend

the use of this Denc Hair shampoo and conditioner to our customers. But why? Hair Coloring – We know

that coloring hair leads to dryness and damage, and after a short period, the true color isn’t visible on

the hair, making the hair dry and dull.

However, if the customer uses this shampoo and conditioner at home, gradually, with each wash, they

are essentially performing a treatment for their hair. As a result, their color remains vibrant, shiny, and


**Decolorization -** We know that decolorization leads to more dryness and increased hair thinness.

Over time, knots start forming in the hair, often within a few days or a week. With each brushing, some

hairs may break and get damaged. This is not appealing for the salon’s reputation. However, if the

customer uses this product at home, in reality, with each shower, they provide a hair treatment,

significantly preventing these issues.

**Keratin -** We know that keratin treats damaged hair, and the goal is to provide hair therapy. But

does treating a body ailment guarantee a cure? No. Similarly, hair treatment in a salon does not come

with a guarantee. The materials we use may not be suitable for the hair, or we may use them in small

quantities, or the straightening may not be proportional to the hair’s resistance. Even if all stages are

well-executed, due to genetic factors, the desired treatment may not occur, or its effects may fade after

several showers. This is not beneficial for the salon’s reputation. Therefore, if we recommend customers

to use this Denc Hair shampoo and hair mask at home, given the high moisturization, the hair treatment

intensifies, and it prevents potential customer complaints. The durability of keratin on the hair increases

significantly, and the shine and softness it creates will remain on the hair for a long time.

**Rebonding -** We know that rebonding causes some dryness in the hair, and over time, its shine will

diminish. This is why some people give up on it. But if the customer uses this shampoo and hair mask at

home, they effectively receive a treatment session with each shower. The shine and softness of the hair

will be maintained permanently.

**By recommending these products to your customers for home use, ensure your artistry.**

**How to use at home:**

1. Start by washing your hair with Denc Argan shampoo in the shower. This shampoo, containing Argan

oil extract, cleanses the hair gently and thoroughly, also ensuring complete scalp cleanliness.

2. Then, apply the Denc Hair mask (from one centimeter away from the scalp) and give it a good

massage while combing. The primary target is the hair shaft and ends since hair breakage and damage

often begin from these points. (Caution: Do not apply any conditioner to the scalp because the scalp is

very sensitive, and hair loss is possible.)


3. Cover your hair with plastic and wait for 10 minutes. Then rinse it slightly (avoid excessive rinsing; you

should feel the slipperiness of the materials on your hair). Afterwards, towel-dry your hair (avoid

twisting your hair while towel-drying, as it can cause breakage) and massage Argan oil onto your hair,

then use a hairdryer to dry your hair, and enjoy the softness and shine of your hair. This is the best

method for hair maintenance.



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